Week One

Hello everyone!

Apologies, I had intended to write a little everyday but I now realize this was a little ambitious. This week has been a very busy time for me.  As you know last Monday was my first day at work and I was asked to come in for a further 2 days before I start work full-time from tomorrow. I want to start thanking everyone who is following the blog and those who have visited it. I was very impressed when I checked the stats ‘1003 views in 3 days’.

So let’s get back to Dental world.


My first day was finally here after what seemed like years of studying. I felt excited and a little nervous at the same time.  My mentors were very kind and I had very light list with plenty of time to spend with my patients. I found that this was very important as it had been a while since I treated a patient and I don’t think I would have managed with a packed list. Thankfully the practice I am working at is aiming for a quality service so I can take my time and don’t feel any pressure.

At the end of the day I didn’t feel tried, surprisingly I was full of energy. Possibly as a result of the satisfaction I had knowing I had finished my first day. I love being a Dentist now more than ever before. Sometimes to realise what is important to you it needs to be taken away


This week I was working only 3 Days, sort of light enrolment into the practice. So let me share with you my feelings of the 1st week.  Like most people who are starting a new job I felt slight anxiety, but only for the first day. The team seems very nice and everyone is very supportive. I feel that I can come to any of my colleagues and ask for a help.

I have also received my portfolio holder from the Deanery. It is a paper-based system; I thought it would be e-portfolio. It is a big holder and there are 20 competencies that we need to learn and prove evidences of completion. The main domains are: professionalism, managerial, health&safety and clinical skills.

 This week I completed an IRMER online course (otherwise I would not be allowed to take X-Rays). I did it with  http://www.elearning-mkupdate.co.uk     and it cost £72. To be honest it is a long tutorial and I found it dull, but needed to do anyway.

I have started to learn Dental Photography from one of my mentors. It is a very interesting and helpful tool for treatment planning or monitoring individual conditions. This weekend I have started my portfolio by putting together my Personal Development Plan. You can find a template in the ‘Useful Information’. A PDP is very important to show reflective practice and will help you to indentify your strong as well as weak points and how you will set about improving them.  A goal without a plan is just a wish! So I would advise to spend few hours and add a PDP for a year,  it will make your life easier and save time and money.

What I realised this week is that there is a lot of work to do during VTE. Some of you who have had work experience in the NHS (like me) might find it slightly easy.  Again my previous Dental Nurse experience helping me and would really recommend it you anyone studying for ORE if you are living in the UK.

So that it’s for Week 1. On to Week 2 and the return to a five-day-week!.


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